Thursday, August 26, 2010

KB982110 flaw

I clicked update as per normal windows 7 updates. Then I clicked restart.

Little I know that my PC was unable to complete the patch upgrade and it said that it needs to revert. ANd the PC rebooted. Then it prompt the same screen saying trying to update and failed and then reverting...pls do not switch off.. this was happening for at least past 3-5 times before it allows me to boot into windows 7.

Then I checked on the windows patches applied. This is the one not applied KB982110.

==> Updated
An update. I uncheck the update for this patch KB982110 and rebooted my PC thinking that it will not apply the patch. However it did and applied. This time there is no error. Patch was applied successfully. Thanks.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

For me the KB982110 made insomnia to my notebook: it does not go to 'sleep' mode keep running with screen off and ignorant to keyboard/mouse. For hibernation it had no chance to wake up keep ignorance after the power on.