Monday, January 24, 2011

X window

I have windows 7 installed as my OS in my laptop. I wish to get a x terminal session from a unix/linux server that I am working on.

A- Laptop
B-unix/linux server
network: VPN

These are the following tools required:

1. Obtain the latest Xming server

2. Then you need putty as your ssh

3. You need to enabled X11 forwarding under SSH setting in putty

4. Upon completion of Xming installation, double click XLaunch.

Select any..multi window is ok. Leave the display number as 0. click next. select start no client. --> next
check on No access


5. Now run a ssh from putty into the host that you wish to connect remotely ie B server.
remember to enabled X 11 forwarding...

upon login, you can either set
export DISPLAY=localVPNIP:0.0

just run directly the program you with to run

eg: xclock

it work both for me!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Not happy with Aztech WL556E Repeater

I am using 10Mbps broandband and through I can verify that my wireless router is serving me that.

When I plug in my Aztech WL556E Repeater, the boost the weak signal that I had in my room no doubt..very happy man...however the bandwidth speed was slow. I am getting like 25-30% of the bandwidth speed ie 2-3Mbps out of 10Mbps.

You dont want to slow down your broadband for sake of stronger signal. Does it make sense?

I am using this repeater Aztech as an AP now. What a waste...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011