Tuesday, November 18, 2008

E-concierges like Globeshopper, Comgateway and vPost

Citibank's Globeshopper, ComGateWay & VPost

You will need a Citibank credit card to register using the above page.

As for ComGateWay, for Singapore residents, you will need a Amex, DBS or HSBC credit card.





Anonymous said...

try www.myus.com and you can use any credit card from any country.

Haans said...

Have you tried ordering from US online retailer and sending any goods to Singapore? Cost and service ok?

Anonymous said...

I just got my goodies from Gap and am thrilled! Myus personal shopper is sooo convenient, and I can use any card I like.

james said...

MyUS requires a monthly membership :(

I personally use oneUSAaddress.com

I have been using them for a year now and love their service. Here is a demo of their service:


Haans said...

Lately I tried on Comgateway. Not bad...I think shd be cheaper than vpost...

Camille said...

I travel/personal shop frequently. Bongo Int'l has always been reliable in getting product from U.S. retailers shipped outside.